Get Started With Get Auth UI

Welcome to Get Auth UI ! We're excited to have you on board. This guide will walk you through the process of getting started with our powerful authentication UI solution. In just a few simple steps, you'll be up and running with beautifully designed login, signup and forget password pages.

1. Creating Your Account

To begin, visit our website at and click on the 'Sign Up' button. Fill in your details to create an account. Once you've confirmed your email address, you're ready to log in and start using the app.

2. Setting Up Your Project

Once logged in, you'll be directed to your dashboard. Click on Create .

3. Customizing Authentication Pages

Navigate to the 'Design' section of your project. Here, you can select from a range of pre-designed theme. Choose the theme match your brand identity.

4. Configure your Page

Here you can update your app name, upload your logo and setup the domain. You can also enable/disable Signup and Forget Password. You can also show/hide the password eye icon.

4. Connect with Services

Now it's time to connect the authentication pages with your application By following:

AppwriteRest API

5. Legal

Don't forget to add your terms of service and privacy policy at the end of the form. You can use tools like Free Terms and Conditions Generator and Free Privacy Policy Generator

6. Direct Embedding

Finally, use the provided HTML snippets to directly embed the authentication pages into your project.

<a href="">
    Sign In